The human body is designed to be almost continually active. Immobilize a joint for even a few hours and it starts to stiffen and decay. Lack of use is deadly.
A broken leg in a cast loses most of its muscle, a third of its bone mass, and stiffens almost to immobility.
Confinement to bed, what used to be the conventional answer to many ills, is an example of the worst kind of treatment. In six months bed rest you accelerate bone aging by a decade, losing 25-40 percent of your bone mass.
The majority of skeletons and muscular systems of US adults degenerate prematurely, simply from our sedentary lifestyle. Commonly, we become less and less active as we age, and lose the bulk of our muscle and bone. A review of over 100 studies showing that many of the degenerative changes usually attributed to inevitable aging, are in fact caused by lack of exercise.
Excerpts from: The New Nutrition Medicine for the Millennium by Dr. Michael Colgan.
"If you have no time to exercise you'd better reserve a lot of time for disease." (Michael Colgan)
Abuse and lose it; you must find a happy median!