Friday, December 17, 2010

Aerobic Exercise Rules: If You're Really Out Of Shape

Don't exercise with a fit friend. Fit friends sometimes push too much.

Start so slowly that people make fun of you. Give your body time to adapt. We instinctively know when we are ready to do more.

Exercise as often as possible each day, in short intervals. There are too many rules about how long & how many days per week, etc..., and they seem to change all the time. When starting out slow, the body can afford more frequency. When you begin moderate to high rates of exertion you will require longer rest periods.

Use buttock & legs muscles (walk, mini trampoline, bicycle). Think of muscles as engines; bigger engines (legs muscles & gluts) burn more fuel (fat).

You should not get out of breath. If you can't carry on a conversation (huff & puff) then you aren't exercising aerobically. Aerobic exercise burns fat more effectively.

As a side note, resistance exercise with aerobic exercise has been shown to be even more effective. But remember, take it all slowly. Too much, too soon, typically sets you back and is discouraging.

Consistency rules!

Consult your healthcare provider before beginning.
See PAR-Q blog.

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